Circumstances of this month will probably allow you to be cheerful again! Your creativity is at its best and so is your love life. Cheer up! On another note this month of February may also help you find love, and you are already in a may experience a rebirth!
This month you will give more time to your hobbies. If you have kids, make sure you get more involved in their activities and overall their universe. This way they will have more respect for you and you will be able to show your authority more easily. This period will also favor love...
Your emotional life is stable but you don't seem to complain about it because you feel secure. What will happen next month?
Mercury is in your fifth solar house and will make you communicate more, especially with kids and also with your partner.
You feel like you are giving your best at work. With so much energy, you feel like you are brave enough to take any challenges!
During the week of 9, thanks to good aspects of Mercury, your business will work well and results will be excellent. You know how to easily convince people because your arguments are logical.
Good aspects of the Sun show that your confidence in life is coming back this month and you are very healthy. Your friends and children will support you and your projects. During the week of 9, make sure you show your skills.
Refined, sensitive and spiritual, your zodiac sign is an air sign connected to Venus, symbol of harmony, bond and pleasure...
Symbol of love and harmony, Venus is connected to our values, our tastes and the way we use our money....
Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac.
Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates.
your horoscope From February the 1st to February the 29, 2025