The lunation of 28 in your eleventh solar house will show you how to build a productive project. This month of February will also favor a friends's reunion or the beginning of a partnership or association. You will know for sure around full moon.
Since the lunation of 28 is in harmony with your sun, you will have a pretty good reputation. Now make sure you keep your feet on the ground.
Everything is possible this month: if lately you have been serious about it...people will compliment you. Otherwise you will keep your pride to yourself and will move on in order to get back on your feet! You know that you have to make mistakes to learn some things in life. The most important things is to not disappoint...
With Venus in your twelfth house you will give a new meaning to your feelings. Because you open up your heart, you can now fulfil yourself thanks to your new way to love.
Mercury is in your tenth solar house and what you were trying for so long will finally work out! A contract may be signed if transits confirm it.
Mars in third solar house will help you keep up with the pace of your activities. It's a good thing you can adjust.
Pluto in dissonance will make you face a reality you didn't want to deal with thus far. You have to leave the past behind and you know it.
You may have issues with administrations in the week of 2 because Mercury is in dissonance with your decan. You may experience delays with your mail or with contracts.
Good aspects of Mercury in the week of 16 will favor some help for your projects. Your communication skills will help you climb the social ladder! Go for it!
You are very optimistic and people around you like that, especially kids. You feel like you can face this week of 16 easily and it will favor new projects.
Calm, powerful and determined, your zodiac sign is an earth sign connected to Venus, symbol of harmony, bond and pleasure...
Symbol of love and harmony, Venus is connected to our values, our tastes and the way we use our money....
Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac.
Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates.
your horoscope From February the 1st to February the 29, 2025