With the lunation of 28 in your tenth solar house, it's time to work twice as more! You may reach your goals. On another note, this month of February will also favor a recognition of your skills. You should party!
You will get to climb the social ladder and probably reach your goals. If you are good, you can actually show the world what you can do. It's good to have projects but it's even better to do everything we can to realize them. The sky's the limit!
With Venus in your eleventh house, you may need your friends's approval to fulfil yourself in this relationship. Why do you doubt it?
Mercury is in your tenth solar house and what you were trying for so long will finally work out! A contract may be signed if transits confirm it.
It's time to show your skills at work and to be paid accordingly. Mars in second solar house will make you make more money thanks to your job!
With Neptune in dissonance you will daydream, make mistakes and will be disillusioned. Make sure you don't postpone things when you can take care of them in the now.
There's a transit of Uranus across your natal Sun, you are under pressure and stressed out. However people come to you and communication is easy.
Saturn is in harmony and you will be very creative and might also reach your goals.
It's hard for you to express yourself because of Mercury in dissonance in the week of 9. That's why you shouldn't argue because you would get confused and misunderstandings could emerge.
In the week of 9, the Sun is in dissonance with your decan and everything will irritate you. You doubt yourself, your abilities and other's and that makes things worse at home and at work. Go outside and let go, it will be very helpful.
Calm, powerful and determined, your zodiac sign is an earth sign connected to Venus, symbol of harmony, bond and pleasure...
Symbol of love and harmony, Venus is connected to our values, our tastes and the way we use our money....
Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac.
Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates.
your horoscope From February the 1st to February the 29, 2025